DAX 40 Dividend 2025

In this section of the page, you will find all the information you need to understand how DAX 40 (Bolsa de Fráncfort) dividends work. In addition, you will be able to consult the payment date, the ex-dividend date, the last day to be entitled to the payment, the money to be received per share, the yield and any other doubts that may arise.

Information about DAX 40

The DAX40 is the main stock market index of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany. It is the successor to the DAX30, expanding its composition to 40 companies in 2021. It comprises the 40 most important companies and enterprises listed on the German market.

This index reflects the performance of the German market and is weighted by market capitalization. This means that companies with a higher market capitalization have a higher weight in the index.

Many of the DAX40 companies distribute dividends. Some of the most prominent include Siemens, Volkswagen, BMW, among others.

How is the value of the DAX40 calculated?

To determine the daily value of the DAX40 stock index, a mathematical formula based on the capitalization of its constituent companies is used:

DAX40(t) = DAX40(t - 1) × Σ Capi(t) / [ Σ Capi(t - 1) ± J ]

A J adjustment factor is used to prevent financial transactions, such as capital increases or reductions, from significantly affecting the share price.

The value of the DAX40 on day t is determined by multiplying the value of the DAX40 on the previous day (day t-1) by a percentage, which is calculated from the sum of the capitalizations of the 40 companies on day t, and then divided by the sum of the capitalizations on day t-1.

It is essential to understand that the daily capitalization of a particular company is calculated by multiplying the number of shares by the listed value of that company on that day.

For example, if today the DAX40 closed at 15,000 points and the total capitalization of the 40 companies today was approximately 600 billion. If tomorrow, the capitalization, at closing, amounted to 612 billion, the final closing of the DAX40 for the following day would be:

DAX40 (specific day) = 15,000 x 612/600 = 15,300 basis points.

How can I invest in DAX 40 shares and receive dividends?

If you want to invest in DAX 40 stocks and collect dividends, you can do it with Scalable Capital broker in just a few minutes. We leave you a complete guide with our opinion so you can see the variety of stocks and ETFs to invest in dividends.

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Dividends schedule DAX 40

CompanyEx-DividendAmountPayment DateConfirmed
Logo de Siemens
02/14/20255.2 €02/18/2025Check Icon
Logo de Siemens Healthineers
Siemens HealthineersSHL
02/19/20250.95 €02/21/2025Check Icon
Logo de Infineon Technologies
Infineon TechnologiesIFX
02/21/20250.35 €02/25/2025Check Icon
Logo de Sartorius
03/28/20250.74 €04/01/2025Check Icon
Logo de Beiersdorf
04/22/20251 €04/24/2025Check Icon

Latest Dividends DAX 40

CompanyEx-DividendAmountPayment Date
Logo de Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGP911
06/28/20241.01 €07/02/2024
Logo de Porsche Automobil Holding
Porsche Automobil HoldingPAH3
06/12/20242.56 €06/14/2024
Logo de Volkswagen
05/30/20249 €06/04/2024
Logo de E.ON
05/17/20240.53 €05/21/2024
Logo de Heidelbergcement
05/17/20243 €05/22/2024
Logo de SAP
05/16/20242.385152 €05/28/2024
Logo de Symrise
05/16/20241.1 €05/21/2024
Logo de Deutsche Börse
Deutsche BörseDB1
05/15/20243.8 €05/17/2024
Logo de Rheinmetall
05/15/20245.7 €05/17/2024
Logo de Mercedes-Benz Group
Mercedes-Benz GroupMBG
05/09/20245.3 €05/14/2024
Logo de MTU Aero Engines
MTU Aero EnginesMTX
05/09/20242 €05/14/2024
Logo de Vonovia
05/09/20240.9 €06/04/2024
Logo de Hannover Rück
Hannover RückHNR1
05/07/20246 €05/10/2024
Logo de Deutsche Post
Deutsche PostDHL
05/06/20241.85 €05/08/2024
Logo de RWE
05/06/20241 €05/08/2024
Logo de Merck KGaA
04/29/20242.2 €05/02/2024
Logo de Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft
Münchener Rückversicherungs-GesellschaftMUV2
04/26/202415 €04/30/2024
Logo de Henkel
04/23/20241.83 €04/25/2024
Logo de Deutsche Telekom
Deutsche TelekomDTE
04/11/20240.77 €04/15/2024
Logo de Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaAFRE
05/18/20230.92 €05/23/2023
Logo de Covestro
04/22/20223.4 €04/26/2022

Graph of companies divided by sector DAX 40

Most profitable dividends DAX 40

Logo de Covestro
8.55 %
Logo de Bayerische Motoren Werke
Bayerische Motoren WerkeBMW
7.86 %
Logo de Mercedes-Benz Group
Mercedes-Benz GroupMBG
7.68 %
Logo de BASF
7.54 %
Logo de Volkswagen
6.23 %
Logo de Porsche Automobil Holding
Porsche Automobil HoldingPAH3
5.11 %
Logo de Daimler Truck Holding
Daimler Truck HoldingDTG
4.62 %
Logo de Allianz
4.41 %
Logo de Deutsche Post
Deutsche PostDHL
4.37 %
Logo de E.ON
3.81 %

Table of companies divided by sector DAX 40

In the following table you can see to which sector each of the companies belongs:

Basic MaterialsCovestro, BASF, Brenntag, Heidelbergcement, Symrise
Cyclical Consumer ProductsBayerische Motoren Werke, Mercedes-Benz Group, Volkswagen, Porsche Automobil Holding, Continental, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Adidas
IndustryDaimler Truck Holding, Deutsche Post, Siemens, MTU Aero Engines, Rheinmetall, Siemens Energy
Financial ServicesAllianz, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, Deutsche Bank, Hannover Rück, Deutsche Börse, Commerzbank
Public ServicesE.ON, RWE
Health CareFresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Siemens Healthineers, Merck KGaA, Sartorius
Communications ServicesDeutsche Telekom
Real EstateVonovia
Productos de consumo defensivosHenkel, Beiersdorf
TechnologyInfineon Technologies

DAX 40 Companies with dividends

Below is a list of Bolsa de Fráncfort companies that pay dividends:

AdidasAllianzBASFBayerische Motoren WerkeBeiersdorfBrenntagCommerzbankContinentalCovestroDaimler Truck HoldingDeutsche BankDeutsche BörseDeutsche PostDeutsche TelekomDr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGE.ONFresenius SE & Co. KGaAHannover RückHeidelbergcementHenkelInfineon TechnologiesMercedes-Benz GroupMerck KGaAMTU Aero EnginesMünchener Rückversicherungs-GesellschaftPorsche Automobil HoldingQiagenRheinmetallRWESAPSartoriusSiemensSiemens EnergySiemens HealthineersSymriseVolkswagenVonoviaZalando