Upcoming Siemens Energy dividend
No change
Next payment N/A
Next payment date N/A
Last payment 0.1€
Last payment date Mar 1, 2022
00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Ex-Dividend: N/A
Not available

Siemens Energy has not outlined dividend plans for this year.

On March 1, 2022, Siemens Energy (ENR) distributed 0.1 euros per share.

Siemens Energy AG, listed on the German and Austrian stock exchanges, using the stock symbol ENR, begins paying dividends in March 2022, with one installment yielding 0.51%, but is still awaiting a dividend for 2023.

Payout Ratio Siemens Energy Dividends

In the last fiscal period, Siemens Energy paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
Siemens Energy has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Siemens Energy

There is no Dividend Calendar of Siemens Energy defined for 2024.

Historical annual dividend yields of Siemens Energy
Over the past 5 years, Siemens Energy has not consistently distributed dividends.
Increasing Dividends
Dividend yield
Dividend yield history in Siemens Energy
Over the past 5 years, Siemens Energy has not consistently distributed dividends.
Dividend stability

Dividend history of Siemens Energy

In this table you can see the complete history:

0.1 €
0.1 €
0.1 €
0.1 €
Siemens Energy dividend capture strategy
Step 1: Buy Siemens Energy shares (ENR) one day before ex-dividend date
Date of purchase N/A
Next ex-dividend date N/A
Step 2: Sell Siemens Energy shares (ENR) when the price recovers.
Date of sale (estimated) N/A
Average price recovery N/A
Average return on cost N/A
The dividend capture strategy is based on historical Siemens Energy data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Information about Siemens Energy

Full name Siemens Energy AG
Ticker ENR
Sector Industry
Industry Specialty Industrial Machinery
Market Capitalization 31.23B €
Number of Employees 94,000
Description of the company

Siemens Energy AG, a company dedicated to the energy industry, creating affordable, reliable and sustainable systems, has partners, researchers and engineers around the world, with large investments in research and development, as well as in multiple innovations in the market.

It is a leader in energy transition issues, with a team of more than 90 thousand employees worldwide, present in 90 countries through its subsidiaries and affiliates, offering from grid technology to storage and electrification of simple and complex industrial processes, through the use of energy obtained from traditional and renewable sources.

It was created from the spin-off of the Gas and Energy division of the Siemens Group in 2020, which was initially founded in 1847, starting with work dedicated to the manufacture and installation of the pointer telegraph and gradually diversifying its activities, entering the electrical engineering sector in 1866, with which it has maintained an administrative relationship, retaining 25.1% of its shares, entering the Frankfurt stock exchange that same year.

The Group's product portfolio includes Power Transmission and Distribution with activities such as the development and installation of transformers and high voltage direct current transmission, Generators, Power Plant Technology, Power Distribution Components, Control and Signaling Devices, Circuit Breakers, Wind Turbines, Steam and Gas Turbines, Compressors and Electrolyzers.

Frequently asked questions about Siemens Energy dividends

Siemens Energy is listed on the Bolsa de Fráncfort and is part of the DAX40.

Siemens Energy has the Ticker or stock code ENR.

The CEO of Siemens Energy in 2024 is Dr. Christian Bruch.

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