Ibex 35 Dividend 2024

In this section of the page, you will find all the information you need to understand how Ibex 35 (Bolsa de Madrid) dividends work. In addition, you will be able to consult the payment date, the ex-dividend date, the last day to be entitled to the payment, the money to be received per share, the yield and any other doubts that may arise.

Information about Ibex 35

The IBEX 35 is the main stock market index of the Madrid Stock Exchange in Spain. It was founded in 1992 and is made up of the 35 most important companies and enterprises listed on the Spanish continuous market.

This index reflects the performance of the Spanish market and is weighted by market capitalization, which means that companies with a higher market capitalization have a higher weight in the index.

Practically all IBEX 35 companies pay dividends, some of the best known being Banco Santander, Inditex, Repsol, BBVA and others.

How is the value of the Ibex35 calculated?

To determine the daily value of the Ibex 35 stock market index, the following mathematical formula is used based on the capitalization of the companies that comprise it:

Ibex 35(t) = Ibex 35(t - 1) × Σ Capi(t) / [ Σ Capi(t - 1) ± J ]

In addition, an adjustment coefficient J is used to prevent financial operations such as capital increases or reductions from drastically affecting the share price.

The value of the Ibex on day t is obtained by multiplying the value of the Ibex on the previous day (day t-1) by a percentage calculated from the sum of the capitalizations of the 35 companies on day t, divided by the sum of the capitalizations on day t-1.

In case you are not familiar with it, the daily capitalization of a specific company is obtained by multiplying the number of shares by the listed value of that company on that day.

If today the Ibex closed at 10,000 points, the total capitalization of the 35 companies today would be approximately 400 billion. If tomorrow the capitalization, at the close, amounted to 405,000 million, the final closing of the Ibex, tomorrow would be:

Ibex 35 (specific day) = 10,000 x 405/400 = 10,125 basis points.

How can I invest in Ibex 35 shares and receive dividends?

If you want to invest in Ibex 35 stocks and collect dividends, you can do it with Scalable Capital broker in just a few minutes. We leave you a complete guide with our opinion so you can see the variety of stocks and ETFs to invest in dividends.

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Dividends schedule Ibex 35

CompanyEx-DividendAmountPayment DateConfirmed
Logo de Banco de Sabadell
Banco de SabadellSAB
09/27/20240.08 €10/01/2024Check Icon
Logo de Inditex
10/31/20240.27 €11/04/2024Check Icon
Logo de ArcelorMittal
11/11/20240.25 €12/04/2024Check Icon
Logo de Fluidra
11/29/20240.25 €12/03/2024Check Icon
Logo de Telefónica
12/17/20240.15 €12/19/2024Check Icon

Latest Dividends Ibex 35

CompanyEx-DividendAmountPayment Date
Logo de Sacyr
09/10/20240.079 €09/26/2024
Logo de International Airlines Group
International Airlines GroupIAG
09/05/20240.03 €09/09/2024
Logo de Logista
08/27/20240.56 €08/29/2024
Logo de Naturgy Energy
Naturgy EnergyNTGY
07/30/20240.5 €08/01/2024
Logo de Acerinox
07/17/20240.31 €07/19/2024
Logo de Indra Sistemas
Indra SistemasIDR
07/09/20240.25 €07/11/2024
Logo de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos Rovi
Laboratorios Farmacéuticos RoviROVI
07/08/20241.1037 €07/10/2024
Logo de Iberdrola
07/04/20240.348 €07/29/2024
Logo de Repsol
07/04/20240.5 €07/08/2024
Logo de Actividades de Construcción y Servicios
Actividades de Construcción y ServiciosACS
07/02/20241.555 €07/17/2024
Logo de Enagás
07/02/20241.04 €07/04/2024
Logo de Amadeus IT Group
Amadeus IT GroupAMS
07/02/20240.8 €07/04/2024
Logo de Acciona
07/02/20244.85 €07/04/2024
Logo de Endesa
06/27/20240.5 €07/01/2024
Logo de Red Eléctrica
Red EléctricaRED
06/27/20240.73 €07/01/2024
Logo de Bankinter
06/24/20240.11172225 €06/26/2024
Logo de Inmobiliaria Colonial
Inmobiliaria ColonialCOL
06/19/20240.27 €06/21/2024
Logo de Acciona Energías Renovables
Acciona Energías RenovablesANE
06/18/20240.48 €06/20/2024
Logo de Cellnex Telecom
Cellnex TelecomCLNX
06/13/20240.01676 €06/17/2024
Logo de Mapfre
05/22/20240.09 €05/24/2024
Logo de Ferrovial
05/20/20240.3033 €06/21/2024
Logo de Aena
05/03/20247.66 €05/07/2024
Logo de Banco Santander
Banco SantanderSAN
04/30/20240.095 €05/02/2024
Logo de Unicaja Banco
Unicaja BancoUNI
04/17/20240.05 €04/19/2024
Logo de BBVA
04/08/20240.39 €04/10/2024
Logo de CaixaBank
03/28/20240.39 €04/03/2024
Logo de Merlin Properties
Merlin PropertiesMRL
11/24/20230.2 €12/12/2023

Graph of companies divided by sector Ibex 35

Most profitable dividends Ibex 35

Logo de Enagás
12.72 %
Logo de Endesa
12.46 %
Logo de Telefónica
7.30 %
Logo de Red Eléctrica
Red EléctricaRED
6.79 %
Logo de Logista
6.77 %
Logo de Mapfre
6.45 %
Logo de Bankinter
6.36 %
Logo de Acerinox
6.34 %
Logo de Naturgy Energy
Naturgy EnergyNTGY
6.30 %
Logo de CaixaBank
5.62 %

Table of companies divided by sector Ibex 35

In the following table you can see to which sector each of the companies belongs:

Public ServicesEnagás, Endesa, Red Eléctrica, Naturgy Energy, Iberdrola, Acciona Energías Renovables, Solaria
Communications ServicesTelefónica
IndustryLogista, Actividades de Construcción y Servicios, Acciona, Fluidra, Aena, Ferrovial, Sacyr, International Airlines Group
Financial ServicesMapfre, Bankinter, CaixaBank, BBVA, Unicaja Banco, Banco Santander, Banco de Sabadell
Basic MaterialsAcerinox, ArcelorMittal
Real EstateMeliá Hotels International, Merlin Properties, Inmobiliaria Colonial, Cellnex Telecom
Health CareGrifols, Laboratorios Farmacéuticos Rovi
Cyclical Consumer ProductsInditex, Amadeus IT Group
TechnologyIndra Sistemas

Ibex 35 Companies with dividends

Below is a list of Bolsa de Madrid companies that pay dividends:

AccionaAcciona Energías RenovablesAcerinoxActividades de Construcción y ServiciosAenaAmadeus IT GroupArcelorMittalBanco de SabadellBanco SantanderBankinterBBVACaixaBankCellnex TelecomEnagásEndesaFerrovialFluidraGrifolsIberdrolaInditexIndra SistemasInmobiliaria ColonialInternational Airlines GroupLaboratorios Farmacéuticos RoviLogistaMapfreMeliá Hotels InternationalMerlin PropertiesNaturgy EnergyRed EléctricaRepsolSacyrSiemens GamesaSolariaTelefónicaUnicaja Banco