Upcoming Poste Italiane dividend
Next payment 0.33€
Next payment date Nov 20, 2024
Last payment 0.563€
Last payment date Jun 26, 2024
00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Ex-Dividend: 11/18/24

For holders of shares in Poste Italiane, November 20, 2024 will bring dividends of 0,33 euros per share, reflecting a yield of 2.38%.

Prioritize purchasing shares before the Last Trading Day (November 15, 2024) to benefit from dividends.

Poste Italiane paid a dividend of 0.563 euros on June 26, 2024, with a dividend yield of 0.00%.

Poste Italiane S.p.A., listed on the Milan stock exchange and on BATS UE in Italy and on the Vienna stock exchange in Austria, being denominated with the indicator PST, starts paying dividends as of 2016, remaining constant, with a punctual and uninterrupted record.

The amount has been slightly fluctuating, being initially paid on an annual basis, but as of 2019 they changed the modality to semi-annual, making a first payment in June and a second in November, reaching an estimated yield of 6.70%.

Payout Ratio Poste Italiane Dividends

Poste Italiane paid 5% of its net income in the last fiscal period as dividends.
Poste Italiane's earnings (13,041,999,872.00€) are sufficient to cover the dividend payment. This payment represents 5% of the total net profit of PST.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Poste Italiane

These are the most important events of the Poste Italiane calendar in 2024:

Event Day
Last trading date November 15, 2024
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) November 18, 2024
Record date November 19, 2024
Date of payment November 20, 2024
Data confirmed by the company Poste Italiane (PST).
Dividend yield of Poste Italiane vs. the sector
Poste Italiane's dividend yield (6.47%) is above the sector average (1.90%).
Comparison with industry average
Poste Italiane's dividend yield is among the top 25% (3.02%) of the sector.
Evaluation with respect to competence.

Information about Poste Italiane

Full name Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Ticker PST
Sector Industry
Industry Conglomerates
Market Capitalization 17.92B €
ISIN IT0003796171
Number of Employees 118,400
Description of the company

Poste Italiane S.p.A., a Rome-based postal service company, is considered the largest in Italy.

Its origins have to do with the postal reform that resulted from the unification of Italy, forming the Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs, starting with activities related to the implementation of offices to receive mail, make phone calls, among others, after several modifications and acquisitions manages to become a major consortium.

It has approximately 120 thousand employees, working in 12,800 offices and post offices, serving more than 35 million customers, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 2015, about 30% of its shares belongs to the Ministry of Economy and Finance of its country, and the remaining to institutional and retail investors such as Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP).

The company offers a wide service distribution network that includes logistics activities, payment and telephone systems, mail and parcel delivery, financial services, insurance, and has recently entered the energy market related to electricity and gas, through its subsidiaries SDA Express Courier, Postecom, BancoPosta Fondi, Postel and PosteMobile.

In recent years, they have implemented an updating process with research centers and the creation of financial products such as the PostePay card, gaining market acceptance and younger customers.

Frequently asked questions about Poste Italiane dividends

Poste Italiane is listed on the Borsa Italiana and is part of the FTSE MIB.

Poste Italiane has the Ticker or stock code PST.

The CEO of Poste Italiane in 2024 is Dr. Matteo Del Fante.

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