Upcoming Banca Mediolanum dividend
Next payment 0.37€
Next payment date Nov 20, 2024
Last payment 0.42€
Last payment date Apr 24, 2024
00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Ex-Dividend: 11/18/24

On November 20, 2024, shareholders of Banca Mediolanum will receive a dividend of 0,37 euros per share, representing a yield of 3.16%.

The Last Trading Day (November 15, 2024) is your deadline to acquire shares eligible for dividends.

Banca Mediolanum distributed a dividend on April 24, 2024 of 0.42 euros, with an annual yield of 0.00%.

Banca Mediolanum S.p.A., which participates in the main stock markets of important countries such as Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria, using the BMED indicator as the basis for its stock market denomination, starts paying dividends as of 2021.

The annual amount has been slightly stable, being calculated according to the financial results of the organization, which is deposited in two parts, one in the month of April and the other in the month of November, obtaining a yield of approximately 6.50%.

Payout Ratio Banca Mediolanum Dividends

Banca Mediolanum paid 5% of its net income in the last fiscal period as dividends.
Banca Mediolanum's earnings (2,090,973,952.00€) are sufficient to cover the dividend payment. This payment represents 5% of the total net profit of BMED.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Banca Mediolanum

These are the most important events of the Banca Mediolanum calendar in 2024:

Event Day
Last trading date November 15, 2024
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) November 18, 2024
Record date November 19, 2024
Date of payment November 20, 2024
Data confirmed by the company Banca Mediolanum (BMED).
Dividend yield of Banca Mediolanum vs. the sector
Banca Mediolanum's dividend yield (6.38%) is above the sector average (4.14%).
Comparison with industry average
Banca Mediolanum's dividend yield is among the top 25% (5.45%) of the sector.
Evaluation with respect to competence.

Information about Banca Mediolanum

Full name Banca Mediolanum S.p.A.
Ticker BMED
Sector Financial Services
Industry Banks - Regional
Market Capitalization 8.66B €
ISIN IT0004776628
Number of Employees 3,635
Description of the company

Banca Mediolanum S.p.A., is a conglomerate offering financial services, specialized in banking, asset management and insurance to customers located in Italy, Spain and Germany, its parent company being the Mediolanum Group, listed on the stock exchange and part of the FTSE MIB index since 2015.

It was founded in 1983, as Fibanc, with the purpose of creating a group dedicated to wealth management, constituting the following year FONDIER in Spain, receiving the authorization to become a bank in 1988 and entering the stock market in 1998, becoming part of the Mediolanum group two years later, signing in 2001 an agreement for the commercialization of savings and life insurance with Mediolanum International Life DAC.

In 2007 they published their new brand Fibanc-Mediolanum and in 2010 they changed to Banco Mediolanum, agreeing another risk and life insurance program with Seguros Generali a few months later, also partnering with "Correos", which allowed them to add more than 2 thousand branches and extend their opening hours.

It is considered the sixth largest company by market capitalization in its country, being designated in 2021 as a Significant Institution, according to the Single Supervisory Mechanism, which made it directly supervised by the European Central Bank.

Among its products and services are Accounts and Deposits, Cards, Financing, Investment, Retirement and Insurance.

Frequently asked questions about Banca Mediolanum dividends

Banca Mediolanum is listed on the Borsa Italiana and is part of the FTSE MIB.

Banca Mediolanum has the Ticker or stock code BMED.

The CEO of Banca Mediolanum in 2024 is Mr. Massimo Antonio Doris.

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