PepsiCo will pay its shareholders a dividend of 1,355 dollars per share on January 6, 2025, as announced.
Buy shares of PepsiCo before December 6, 2024 to secure your right to a dividend of 1,355 dollars.
A dividend of 1.355 dollars was awarded by PepsiCo on September 30, 2024, having a yield of 0.00%.
PepsiCo has maintained a growing performance with a gross profit of approximately 53%.
The company delivers its scheduled dividends on a quarterly basis, so payments are made four times a year, in January, March, June and September, and the dividend yield is approximately 2.50%.
It has maintained a stable growing history, with its annual dividends being higher than the previous year from 2010 to date, in fact, they have announced a 6% increase in dividends from 2023 due to the success obtained in the previous year.
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Payout Ratio PepsiCo Dividends
Dividend calendar of PepsiCo
These are the most important events of the PepsiCo calendar in 2024:
Event | Day |
Last trading date | December 5, 2024 |
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) | December 6, 2024 |
Record date | December 6, 2024 |
Date of payment | January 6, 2025 |
Information about PepsiCo
Pepsico is a corporation created in the United States of America that manufactures, distributes and markets bottled beverages and snacks in different presentations.
Its origin derives from the merger of the former "Pepsi Cola Company" with "Frito Lay" in 1965, maintaining the same chain of operations of its predecessors, in addition to the subsequent purchase of Tropicana. Among the brands acquired in addition to Pepsi and Lays are 7up, Lipton, Quaker, Kas, Gatorade, Doritos, Ruffles, among others.
It is considered the second most profitable company in the world due to its annual net income. It is headquartered in New York, but is distributed throughout the Americas, Latin America, Central Europe and Spain, covering more than 200 countries.
Its main competitor is the Coca-Cola Company, with which it has shared well-known television commercials to highlight one beverage over the other.
Its operations are divided into four hubs: PepsiCo Americas Foods, PepsiCo Europe, PepsiCo Asia and PepsiCo Americas Beverages, with most of its revenues coming from North and South America.
Frequently asked questions about PepsiCo dividends
PepsiCo is listed on the U.S. Technology Index and is part of the Nasdaq.
PepsiCo has the Ticker or stock code PEP.
The CEO of PepsiCo in 2024 is Mr. James T. Caulfield.