On December 16, 2024, Alphabet will reward its investors with a dividend of 0,2 dollars per share.
Acquiring shares of Alphabet before December 9, 2024 will guarantee you a dividend of 0,2 dollars, with December 6, 2024 being the last day to make the purchase.
On September 16, 2024, Alphabet rewarded its investors with a dividend of 0.2 dollars.
Alphabet has not paid dividends to its shareholders since its IPO despite being a company with ample earnings and growth.
This may be due to the fact that it is a corporation that continually invests in the acquisition and development of new technologies, so that part of its profits are earmarked for its expansion and maturity as an organization.
The company has not yet announced whether it will pay dividends in the future, so traders invest in the company to obtain capital gains by buying and selling its shares.
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Payout Ratio Alphabet Dividends
Dividend calendar of Alphabet
These are the most important events of the Alphabet calendar in 2024:
Event | Day |
Last trading date | December 6, 2024 |
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) | December 9, 2024 |
Record date | December 9, 2024 |
Date of payment | December 16, 2024 |
Information about Alphabet
Alphabet Inc. is a multinational conglomerate that works in the Internet, Software Development and Telecommunications industry, through the manufacture of products and services associated with consumer electronics, biotechnology, home automation and other technologies.
Its main subsidiary and the best known worldwide is Google, but it was founded in 2015 to encompass other large companies such as Calico, CapitalG, Chronicle Security, DeepMind, DoubleClick, Google Fiber, GV, Jigsaw, Loon LLC, Makani Technologies, Sidewalk Labs, Verily, Waymo, Youtube, Wing and X Development, it is also located in 75 countries with more than 150 offices with more than 75 thousand employees.
It is recognized for being one of the corporations that best pays its employees and is therefore highly valued by millions of professionals, although in January 2023 they announced a decrease in their payroll of approximately 6%.
It has been the subject of several criticisms or controversies related to its financial strategies and some of its services, such as the Google Books section with some copyright disputes, as well as possible security risks due to the detailed information provided by Google Earth, and has also been accused of participating in electronic surveillance programs worldwide.
Frequently asked questions about Alphabet dividends
Alphabet is listed on the U.S. Technology Index and is part of the Nasdaq.
Alphabet has the Ticker or stock code GOOG.
The CEO of Alphabet in 2024 is Mr. Sundar Pichai.