Upcoming PayPal dividend
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Dividends from PayPal for 2024 are not in sight.

PayPal Holdings, Inc. is listed on the American stock exchange under the ticker symbol PYPL, although it has not paid any dividends to its shareholders since it entered the market and there is still no information on its next actions in this regard.

The stock is used by traders mainly for buying and selling, with the objective of obtaining capital gains with these movements.

Payout Ratio PayPal Dividends

In the last fiscal period, PayPal paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
PayPal has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of PayPal

There is no Dividend Calendar of PayPal defined for 2024.

Information about PayPal

Full name PayPal Holdings, Inc.
Ticker PYPL
Sector Financial Services
Industry Credit Services
Market Capitalization 80.52B $
ISIN US70450Y1038
Number of Employees 29,900
Description of the company

PayPal Holdings, Inc. is a company dedicated to offering financial services as a platform that allows online payments between users of the network, as an alternative to traditional payment methods.

It was created in 1998 under the name of Confinity, merging in 2000 with X.com, a company dedicated to banking, owned by Elon Musk, changing its name to Paypal in 2001, starting as a service for sending money via PDAs but became a payment website.

The marketing campaign with which it started was quite aggressive, even offering cash prizes for affiliation, which made it grow rapidly, in 2002 it became part of eBay and then separated as an independent company in 2015, when it launched its peer-to-peer platform and acquired the company Xoom.

It is headquartered in California, although it must comply with the regulations of the "United States Treasury Department" and also the rules of the "European Union Financial Services Authority", it is not considered a bank.

It is a payment platform with worldwide use, virtually anyone with a user and verification steps can use it, with two modalities of personal or business accounts, does not offer interest on savings or loans, accepts various methods such as balance recharge and charges fees that vary depending on the amount of the transaction.

Frequently asked questions about PayPal dividends

PayPal is listed on the U.S. Technology Index and is part of the Nasdaq.

PayPal has the Ticker or stock code PYPL.

The CEO of PayPal in 2024 is Ms. Peggy M. Alford.

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