Upcoming Exor dividend
Next payment 0.46€
Next payment date Jun 3, 2024
Last payment 0.44€
Last payment date Jun 6, 2023
00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Ex-Dividend: 5/30/24

As a shareholder of Exor, you can expect to receive 0,46 euros per share in dividends on the upcoming June 3, 2024.

The Ex-dividend Date (May 30, 2024) establishes your eligibility for dividends; the Last Trading Day (May 29, 2024) is the final deadline.

The dividends paid by Exor on June 6, 2023 were 0.44 euros per share.

Exor N.V., listed on several markets, known in the Netherlands as EXO, had not paid dividends to its shareholders until June 2023 when they reported the payment of their first installment, which would become effective that same month.

This was assessed, approved and announced by the shareholders' meeting and deposited as a one-time amount of €0.44 per share, which places it at a yield of 0.56% and a price earnings ratio of 6.32.

Payout Ratio Exor Dividends

Exor paid 61% of its net income in the last fiscal period as dividends.
Exor's earnings (38,514,999,296.00€) are not sufficient to cover the dividend payment. The dividend payment is equal to or greater than the total net profit of EXO.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Exor

These are the most important events of the Exor calendar in 2024:

Event Day
Last trading date May 29, 2024
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) May 30, 2024
Record date May 31, 2024
Date of payment June 3, 2024
Data confirmed by the company Exor (EXO).
Historical annual dividend yields of Exor
Over the past 5 years, Exor has not consistently distributed dividends.
Increasing Dividends
Dividend yield
Dividend yield of Exor vs. the sector
Exor's dividend yield (0.49%) is above the sector average (0.44%).
Comparison with industry average
Exor's dividend yield is among the top 25% (0.44%) of the sector.
Evaluation with respect to competence.
Dividend yield history in Exor
Over the past 5 years, Exor has not consistently distributed dividends.
Dividend stability

Dividend history of Exor

In this table you can see the complete history:

0.44 €
0.44 €
Exor dividend capture strategy
Step 1: Buy Exor shares (EXO) one day before ex-dividend date
Date of purchase May 29, 2024
Next ex-dividend date May 30, 2024
Step 2: Sell Exor shares (EXO) when the price recovers.
Date of sale (estimated) N/A
Average price recovery N/A
Average return on cost N/A
The dividend capture strategy is based on historical Exor data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Information about Exor

Full name Exor N.V.
Ticker EXO
Sector Cyclical Consumer Products
Industry Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery
Market Capitalization 31.85B €
ISIN NL0012059018
Number of Employees 83,773
Description of the company

Exor N.V., is a commercial company dedicated to financial investment.

It was founded in 1927 under the name of Istituto Finanziario Industriale (IFI), by Giovanni Agnelli, who owned the Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Fiat), whose purpose was basically to manage the different share packages he had bought, being mostly in the industrial sector as RIV, Sestriere, Vetrocoke, la Stampa, also including food as the company Cinzano, consumer goods, financial services Sava, airlines, among others.

During the war it had a period of contention, but after it opened a new cycle of operations making the companies under its care flourish, with the passage of time the group made a series of acquisitions and partnerships that originate the change of its name and the diversification of its products, among which stand out the 1957 acquisition of Istituto Commerciale Laniero Italiano, in 1963 they entered the banking sector, they also bought Unicem and 3M, being the most representative the merger between IFI and IFIL becoming Exor with this agreement.

From there they continue to expand the investment portfolio, being in 2015 when they acquire a large part of the shares of the newspaper The Economist Group, likewise they obtain GEDI media group located in Italy, Stellantis, Via Transportation Inc, Cowboy, Group Shang Xia, Loubotin, Casavo, among others.

Frequently asked questions about Exor dividends

Exor is listed on the Bolsa de Amsterdam and is part of the AEX.

Exor has the Ticker or stock code EXO.

The CEO of Exor in 2024 is Mr. John Jacob Philip Elkann.

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