Upcoming DSM Firmenich dividend
No change
Next payment 2.5€
Next payment date May 16, 2024
Last payment 1.6€
Last payment date Jul 6, 2023
00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Ex-Dividend: 5/9/24

A payment of 2,5 euros per share in dividends from DSM Firmenich is scheduled for May 16, 2024.

To be part of the beneficiaries of dividends from DSM Firmenich, you must buy shares before May 9, 2024 and stay until after the Record Date, May 10, 2024.

July 6, 2023 was the day when DSM Firmenich paid a dividend of 1.6 euros.

DSM Firmenich, listed on the stock exchange under the DSFIR stock index, has so far not paid any dividends to its shareholders, although at the beginning of 2023 it made an announcement stating its intention to start making payments with an estimated interest per share of 1.60 euros.

Therefore, investors participate in the purchase of their shares and then sell them, trying to make a profit in the process.

Payout Ratio DSM Firmenich Dividends

In the last fiscal period, DSM Firmenich paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
DSM Firmenich has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of DSM Firmenich

These are the most important events of the DSM Firmenich calendar in 2024:

Event Day
Last trading date May 8, 2024
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) May 9, 2024
Record date May 10, 2024
Date of payment May 16, 2024
Data confirmed by the company DSM Firmenich (DSFIR).
Historical annual dividend yields of DSM Firmenich
Over the past 5 years, DSM Firmenich has not consistently distributed dividends.
Increasing Dividends
Dividend yield
Dividend yield of DSM Firmenich vs. the sector
DSM Firmenich's dividend yield (2.42%) is below the sector average (2.56%).
Comparison with industry average
DSM Firmenich's dividend yield is between the top 25% (3.91%) and top 75% (1.60%) of the sector.
Evaluation with respect to competence.
Dividend yield history in DSM Firmenich
Over the past 5 years, DSM Firmenich has not consistently distributed dividends.
Dividend stability

Dividend history of DSM Firmenich

In this table you can see the complete history:

1.6 €
1.6 €
DSM Firmenich dividend capture strategy
Step 1: Buy DSM Firmenich shares (DSFIR) one day before ex-dividend date
Date of purchase May 8, 2024
Next ex-dividend date May 9, 2024
Step 2: Sell DSM Firmenich shares (DSFIR) when the price recovers.
Date of sale (estimated) N/A
Average price recovery N/A
Average return on cost N/A
The dividend capture strategy is based on historical DSM Firmenich data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Information about DSM Firmenich

Full name DSM-Firmenich AG
Ticker DSFIR
Sector Productos de consumo defensivos
Industry Household & Personal Products
Market Capitalization 27.42B €
ISIN CH1216478797
Number of Employees 28,685
Description of the company

DSM Firmenich is a corporation that arose from the union of two large companies dedicated to the creation of fragrances, perfumery and health food for both people and animals.

Its foundation is recent, taking place in 2023 with the merger between DSM and Firmenich, inheriting the knowledge and experience of its predecessors. In the case of DSM, the organization was created in 1902 by the Dutch government, with the purpose of extracting coal reserves in Limburg, closing the last mine in 1973 and dedicating itself to other businesses in which it had established itself, such as the production of chemical products, although it maintained the acronym that represents its original name "Dutch State Mines", with the passage of time it specialized in the nutrition, health and wellness sector.

Firmenich, created in 1895 by Philippe Chuit and Martin Naef, operated from the beginning as a laboratory to create aromatic molecules, later partnering with Frederic Firmenich, changing the name and dedicating itself to creating fragrances and flavors.

Currently, the group's business includes four important lines, which are derived from a series of associated products, among which are Perfumes, Fragrances and personal care, the line of flavor, texture and health, nutrition with items in the dairy, bakery, cereals, beverages, flavors, confectionery and pet food sections.

Frequently asked questions about DSM Firmenich dividends

DSM Firmenich is listed on the Bolsa de Amsterdam and is part of the AEX.

DSM Firmenich has the Ticker or stock code DSFIR.

The CEO of DSM Firmenich in 2024 is Mr. Dimitri de Vreeze.

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