For shareholders of Bank of America Corporation, December 27, 2024 will be a lucrative day with a dividend of 0,26 dollars per share.
If your goal is to receive dividends from Bank of America Corporation, buy before December 6, 2024 and stay until the Record Date, December 6, 2024, to ensure your eligibility.
Bank of America Corporation made a dividend payment of 0.26 dollars on the date September 27, 2024.
After acquiring Merrill Lynch, Bank of America became one of the largest investment institutions in the United States, although its policy regarding the portion it grants to its investors could be considered conservative, since it is around 26%.
Based on its latest share price, its yield is 3%, and dividends are paid to shareholders four times a year, in March, June, September and December.
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Payout Ratio Bank of America Corporation Dividends
Dividend calendar of Bank of America Corporation
These are the most important events of the Bank of America Corporation calendar in 2024:
Event | Day |
Last trading date | December 5, 2024 |
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) | December 6, 2024 |
Record date | December 6, 2024 |
Date of payment | December 27, 2024 |
Information about Bank of America Corporation
Bank of America is one of the most powerful financial institutions in the United States, ranking as the fifth largest company in the country and the third largest non-oil company, after WalMart and General Electric.
It was established after NationsBank bought the former Bank of America located in San Francisco in 1998, from which it also got its name, although in reality the latter had its beginnings in 1904 from the Bank of Italy founded by Amadeo Giannini, thus having more than a century of history.
Today it offers services throughout the United States with headquarters in North Carolina, with branches in more than 40 countries including some in Latin America. It is owned by Berkshire Hathaway, Vanguard Group and BlackRock.
It has faced some lawsuits and fines, but nevertheless continues to grow, achieving a 9% stake in the Chinese Construction Bank and establishing offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Among its social responsibility policies, it has earmarked a portion of its loan portfolio for "green" projects, providing its employees with incentives for the purchase of hybrid vehicles and mortgage loans for customers with energy-inefficient homes, and partnered with Brighter Planet to offer credit cards for renewable energy projects.
Frequently asked questions about Bank of America Corporation dividends
Bank of America Corporation is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is part of the Nyse.
Bank of America Corporation has the Ticker or stock code BAC.
The CEO of Bank of America Corporation in 2024 is Mr. Brian Thomas Moynihan.