Upcoming AbbVie dividend
Next payment 1.64$
Next payment date Feb 14, 2025
Last payment 1.55$
Last payment date Nov 15, 2024
00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Ex-Dividend: 1/15/25

February 14, 2025 is the date chosen by AbbVie for the payment of dividends, which will be 1,64 dollars per share.

Remember, investors in AbbVie (ABBV): January 14, 2025 is your last chance to buy and qualify for dividends, keeping in mind that the Record Date is January 15, 2025, when your ownership is verified.

The dividend from AbbVie, 1.55 dollars, was credited on November 15, 2024, following the ex-dividend on October 15, 2024.

As almost all North American companies do, AbbVie divides the annual dividend payment into four parts, depositing it quarterly in February, May, August and November.

However, its payout is approximately 80% and the dividend yield is around 4%.

Payout Ratio AbbVie Dividends

AbbVie paid 21% of its net income in the last fiscal period as dividends.
AbbVie's earnings (55,532,998,656.00$) are sufficient to cover the dividend payment. This payment represents 21% of the total net profit of ABBV.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of AbbVie

These are the most important events of the AbbVie calendar in 2024:

Event Day
Last trading date January 14, 2025
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) January 15, 2025
Record date January 15, 2025
Date of payment February 14, 2025
Data confirmed by the company AbbVie (ABBV).
Dividend yield of AbbVie vs. the sector
AbbVie's dividend yield (3.79%) is below the sector average (4.36%).
Comparison with industry average
AbbVie's dividend yield is between the top 25% (6.50%) and top 75% (3.22%) of the sector.
Evaluation with respect to competence.

Information about AbbVie

Full name AbbVie Inc.
Ticker ABBV
Sector Health Care
Industry Drug Manufacturers - General
Market Capitalization 308.46B $
Number of Employees 50,000
Description of the company

AbbVie is a company involved in the pharmaceutical industry, designing, manufacturing and marketing drugs and solutions for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases.

It was founded from the fragmentation of Abbot Laboratories in 2013, establishing its headquarters in Illinois, USA, has sales in more than 175 countries, with subsidiaries in Germany, Bermuda and The Bahamas.

Its products cover the treatment of more than 60 pathologies, including immunology, oncology, neuroscience, ophthalmology, esthetics and virology, with research and development operations in 20 countries and more than 50,000 employees distributed among its various factories.

Its operations emphasize research and personalization of therapies, tailored to the needs of each patient, investing in technologies such as precision medicine, genetics, data convergence and genomics.

Frequently asked questions about AbbVie dividends

AbbVie is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is part of the Nyse.

AbbVie has the Ticker or stock code ABBV.

The CEO of AbbVie in 2024 is Mr. Richard A. Gonzalez.

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