Upcoming Vivoryon Therapeutics dividend
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Vivoryon Therapeutics's agenda does not present dividends for this year.

Vivoryon Therapeutics N.V., listed on the German stock exchange and in the Netherlands in Amsterdam using the stock symbol VVY, has not paid dividends to its shareholders so far, but it should be noted that the company was established fairly recently and is still in a growth phase, so the strategy regarding the use of this interest is to invest it in its own development, which may change once it has reached maturity in the market.

Payout Ratio Vivoryon Therapeutics Dividends

In the last fiscal period, Vivoryon Therapeutics paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
Vivoryon Therapeutics has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Vivoryon Therapeutics

There is no Dividend Calendar of Vivoryon Therapeutics defined for 2024.

Information about Vivoryon Therapeutics

Full name Vivoryon Therapeutics N.V.
Ticker VVY
Sector Health Care
Industry Biotechnology
Market Capitalization 61.26 €
ISIN NL00150002Q7
Number of Employees 15
Description of the company

Vivoryon Therapeutics N.V. is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in clinical and preclinical trials, as well as research and development activities, creating innovative small molecule drugs for the purpose of treating serious and life-threatening diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer's disease.

Its main product is varoglutamstat, which is in the second phase of studies and development, developed to combat Alzheimer's disease, has a delicate use of proteins, enzymes and other components that act in the center of human learning and memory, regulating brain activity.

Its headquarters are located in Germany, it was founded in 2020, although in 2021 they entered into a strategic partnership with Simcere Pharmaceutical Group Ltd, licensed in China, which allows them to develop and commercialize drugs that have been manufactured to treat brain problems, specifically varoglutamstat, an agreement that, in addition to allowing them to export their products, generated a significant contribution to their income.

In addition, the company has a complete line of inhibitors, mainly for oral consumption, that help minimize the effects of cancer, fibrosis and some inflammatory diseases, such as the PBD-C06 antibody, which is still in the preclinical stage.

Frequently asked questions about Vivoryon Therapeutics dividends

Vivoryon Therapeutics is listed on the Bolsa de Amsterdam and is part of the ASCX.

Vivoryon Therapeutics has the Ticker or stock code VVY.

The CEO of Vivoryon Therapeutics in 2024 is Mr. Florian Schmid.

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