Upcoming CM.com dividend
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There are no announcements about dividends from CM.com for this year.

CM.com N.V. is listed on the London Stock Exchange and the Amsterdam Stock Exchange using the CMCOM stock symbol, although to date it has not paid any dividends to its investors, so most of the participants that act in this stock do so as a method of obtaining profits from the purchase and sale of their shares.

Payout Ratio CM.com Dividends

In the last fiscal period, CM.com paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
CM.com has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of CM.com

There is no Dividend Calendar of CM.com defined for 2024.

Information about CM.com

Full name CM.com N.V.
Ticker CMCOM
Sector Technology
Industry Software - Application
Market Capitalization 189.30 €
ISIN NL0012747059
Number of Employees 881
Description of the company

CM.com N.V., formerly known as CM Telecom, is a Dutch company engaged in offering mainly mobile telecommunications services, providing its customers with instant messaging software, as well as VolP messaging, digital identification and e-commerce payments.

It was founded in 1999 by Jeroen Van Glabbeek and Gilbert Gooijer, being known primarily as ClubMessage, with its most iconic product being Group Text, mostly used by event organizers and nightlife venues as a means of promoting their events, eventually creating the MailText software patent.

In 2013 they bought OneSixty Mobile BV, which opened the doors to the English market and two years later reached Paris, later acquiring Global Messaging, Service2Media, Docdata and Payments, thereby changing its name and visual identity, promoting in 2016 its analysis tool available for mobile devices, which generates information on message traffic.

CM has been dedicated to the direct messaging market, especially in back-end solutions, leading the way in its sector, and its hybrid messaging modality allows contacting customers with a variety of formats.

They offer an engagement platform where Cloud services, customer contact, chatbots, mobile marketing and ticket sales are located, additionally they show the connectivity platform where they locate SMS, and the payment platform in several modalities.

Frequently asked questions about CM.com dividends

CM.com is listed on the Bolsa de Amsterdam and is part of the ASCX.

CM.com has the Ticker or stock code CMCOM.

The CEO of CM.com in 2024 is Mr. Jeroen van Glabbeek.

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