Upcoming Malin Corporation dividend
Regarding 2025, Malin Corporation has not yet made any announcements related to dividend distribution.
Malin Corporation PLC, listed on the main market in Ireland and in the United States, using the ticker symbol MLC, has not paid any dividends to its shareholders to date.
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Payout Ratio Malin Corporation Dividends
In the last fiscal period, Malin Corporation paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
Malin Corporation has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio
Dividend calendar of Malin Corporation
There is no Dividend Calendar of Malin Corporation defined for 2025.
Information about Malin Corporation
Full name
Malin Corporation plc
Health Care
Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
Market Capitalization
166.72 €
Number of Employees
Description of the company
Frequently asked questions about Malin Corporation dividends
Malin Corporation is listed on the Euronext Dublin and is part of the ISEQ 20.
Malin Corporation has the Ticker or stock code MLC.
The CEO of Malin Corporation in 2025 is Mr. William F. Daniel.
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