Upcoming Audax Renovables dividend
No change
Next payment N/A
Next payment date N/A
Last payment 0.022712€
Last payment date Jul 16, 2021
00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Ex-Dividend: N/A
Not available

There is no record of dividends from Audax Renovables for 2024.

On July 16, 2021, Audax Renovables paid 0.022712 euros per share as a dividend.

Audax Renovables was constant in the payment of dividends to its shareholders until 2010, which was made every July with a single installment, thereafter it maintained a suspension that was eliminated in July 2021 when it returns to deposit a single amount for that year, having a yield for that date of 0.95%, however, no other payment has been recorded since then.

Payout Ratio Audax Renovables Dividends

In the last fiscal period, Audax Renovables paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
Audax Renovables has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Audax Renovables

There is no Dividend Calendar of Audax Renovables defined for 2024.

Historical annual dividend yields of Audax Renovables
Over the past 5 years, Audax Renovables has not consistently distributed dividends.
Increasing Dividends
Dividend yield
Dividend yield history in Audax Renovables
Over the past 5 years, Audax Renovables has not consistently distributed dividends.
Dividend stability

Dividend history of Audax Renovables

In this table you can see the complete history:

0.022712 €
0.022712 €
0.0086 €
0.0086 €
0.013888 €
0.013888 €
0.01311 €
0.01311 €
0.018174 €
0.018174 €
Audax Renovables dividend capture strategy
Step 1: Buy Audax Renovables shares (ADX) one day before ex-dividend date
Date of purchase N/A
Next ex-dividend date N/A
Step 2: Sell Audax Renovables shares (ADX) when the price recovers.
Date of sale (estimated) N/A
Average price recovery N/A
Average return on cost N/A
The dividend capture strategy is based on historical Audax Renovables data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Information about Audax Renovables

Full name Audax Renovables, S.A.
Ticker ADX
Sector Public Services
Industry Utilities - Renewable
Market Capitalization 840.88 €
Number of Employees 800
Description of the company

Audax Renovables is a company in the electricity generation industry that works using renewable resources in the field of self-supply, liquefied natural gas and electric current, seeking energy efficiency and effectiveness.

Initially its name was Fersa, founded in 2000 when it operated several wind farms and managed to grow extensively, becoming in 2007 the first energy company of its kind.

Upon entering the stock exchange, it launches two IPOs to obtain financing due to the negative impact left by the 2008 economic crisis, being in 2017 during the second round, when it changes its name to Audax Renovables.

Its operations were originally based on the generation of electricity using exclusively renewable sources, producing 1,203MW, however, as of February 2023 it is partnering with Shell Energy Europe Limited to provide them with energy and gas services, benefiting from a market access agreement at competitive prices.

It has executed several projects, the main ones being a wind farm in France generating 12 MW, several wind farms in Spain producing 45 MW and several photovoltaic plants generating 89 MW. It has also built a wind farm in Panama and another in Poland, providing 66 MW and 34 MW respectively.

Frequently asked questions about Audax Renovables dividends

Audax Renovables is listed on the and is part of the Ibex Small.

Audax Renovables has the Ticker or stock code ADX.

The CEO of Audax Renovables in 2024 is Ms. Ana Isabel Lopez Porta.

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