Upcoming Ryanair Holdings dividend
Next payment 0.178€
Next payment date Sep 19, 2024
Last payment 0.175€
Last payment date Feb 28, 2024
00 D 00 H 00 M 00 S
Ex-Dividend: 8/8/24

Ryanair Holdings (RYA) announces a dividend of 0,178 euros per share for September 19, 2024, offering a yield of 1.06%.

Buy shares of Ryanair Holdings before August 7, 2024 to qualify for the dividend paid on September 19, 2024, with the Record Date being August 9, 2024.

Ryanair Holdings (RYA) paid 0.175 euros in dividends on February 28, 2024.

Ryanair Holdings Plc, listed in the main markets of Germany, the United States, Ireland, Italy and the United Kingdom, using the name RYA, implemented the strategy of paying dividends to its shareholders in some of the countries in which it participates, delivering the interest as a bonus in the years 2010, 2012 and 2015, but has not continued with the fulfillment of the commitment since then.

Payout Ratio Ryanair Holdings Dividends

Ryanair Holdings paid 1% of its net income in the last fiscal period as dividends.
Ryanair Holdings's earnings (13,420,600,320.00€) are sufficient to cover the dividend payment. This payment represents 1% of the total net profit of RYA.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Ryanair Holdings

These are the most important events of the Ryanair Holdings calendar in 2024:

Event Day
Last trading date August 7, 2024
Ex-Dividend (Ex-Date) August 8, 2024
Record date August 9, 2024
Date of payment September 19, 2024
Data confirmed by the company Ryanair Holdings (RYA).
Historical annual dividend yields of Ryanair Holdings
Over the past 5 years, Ryanair Holdings has not consistently distributed dividends.
Increasing Dividends
Dividend yield
Dividend yield of Ryanair Holdings vs. the sector
Ryanair Holdings's dividend yield (2.09%) is above the sector average (1.22%).
Comparison with industry average
Ryanair Holdings's dividend yield is between the top 25% (3.09%) and top 75% (0.00%) of the sector.
Evaluation with respect to competence.
Dividend yield history in Ryanair Holdings
Over the past 5 years, Ryanair Holdings has not consistently distributed dividends.
Dividend stability

Dividend history of Ryanair Holdings

In this table you can see the complete history:

0.175 €
0.175 €
0.384615 €
0.384615 €
0.278974 €
0.278974 €
0.344308 €
0.344308 €
Ryanair Holdings dividend capture strategy
Step 1: Buy Ryanair Holdings shares (RYA) one day before ex-dividend date
Date of purchase Aug 7, 2024
Next ex-dividend date Aug 8, 2024
Step 2: Sell Ryanair Holdings shares (RYA) when the price recovers.
Date of sale (estimated) N/A
Average price recovery N/A
Average return on cost N/A
The dividend capture strategy is based on historical Ryanair Holdings data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Information about Ryanair Holdings

Full name Ryanair Holdings plc
Ticker RYA
Sector Industry
Industry Airlines
Market Capitalization 18.29B €
Number of Employees 27,000
Description of the company

Ryanair Holdings Plc. is an Irish airline, which specializes in offering low-cost services, with routes in almost all of Europe, although it has had some legal and financial problems and has been accused of misleading advertising, it is considered one of the most profitable airlines in the world.

It was founded in 1985 by Tony Ryan, starting with a small plane that flew the route from Waterford to London Gatwick, competing with British Airways and Aer Lingus, opening a second route in 1986 that went from Dublin to London-Luton, transporting 82,000 passengers that year.

In 1991, despite an increase in the number of routes and customers, it had to restructure due to a severe financial crisis, copying the strategy of lowering fares, eliminating the business class, closing some additional services and eliminating some routes, managing to recover in four years.

They made several acquisitions, launching bases in various European countries such as Germany, Spain, United Kingdom and France, including Colombia in 2016, thus reaching South America.

They currently operate in 40 countries, in more than 230 airports, making nearly 3,000 flights a day, and have invested 22 billion dollars in the acquisition of 210 Boeing 737-8200 aircraft, which reduce fuel consumption by 16% and emit 40% less noise.

It offers 2000 routes, among its most popular destinations are mainly Dublin-London, but also connects with Alicante, Reus, Lanzarote, Palma de Mallorca Madrid, Porto, Charleroi, Malaga, Seville, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Gerona, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, Frankfurt, Bergamo, Glasgow, Rome, Shannon and Nyköping.

Frequently asked questions about Ryanair Holdings dividends

Ryanair Holdings is listed on the Euronext Dublin and is part of the ISEQ 20.

Ryanair Holdings has the Ticker or stock code RYA.

The CEO of Ryanair Holdings in 2024 is Mr. Michael O'Leary.

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