Upcoming Glenveagh Properties dividend
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Glenveagh Properties's roadmap does not include dividends for 2024.

Glenveagh Properties PLC, listed on the Irish and UK stock exchanges using the symbol GVR, has not paid any dividends to its shareholders to date.

Payout Ratio Glenveagh Properties Dividends

In the last fiscal period, Glenveagh Properties paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
Glenveagh Properties has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Glenveagh Properties

There is no Dividend Calendar of Glenveagh Properties defined for 2024.

Information about Glenveagh Properties

Full name Glenveagh Properties PLC
Ticker GVR
Sector Cyclical Consumer Products
Industry Residential Construction
Market Capitalization 922.77 €
Number of Employees 423
Description of the company

Glenveagh Properties PLC. is a company that works in the high quality housing construction sector in Ireland, mainly in sectors with extensive urban growth. They invest in three business segments, the suburban segment where they focus 64% of their efforts, with housing demanded by institutional or private clients, the urban segment with 36% of participation, in which they execute apartments for organizations or institutions in Dublin and Cork, and a partnership model in which they have obtained tenders to deliver more than 2,050 housing units.

Its activities include several stages:

  • Land acquisition, in which they evaluate the needs of the community, the physical condition of the land, the availability of services such as local transportation, as well as local development plans approved by the corresponding state agencies.
  • Planning and Design, its projects are based on flexible units, so that they can be quickly adjusted to respond to changes in demand.
  • Construction and Optimization, maintain a policy of optimizing resources by using local materials, managing centralized procurement and developing high quality, sustainable housing.
  • Sales and marketing, from market research to all the campaigns and sales process of the units.

Among its portfolio of projects located in Ireland are Ruxton Oaks, Walker's Gate, Barnhall Meadows, The Hawthorns, Ledwill Park and Bellingsmore.

Frequently asked questions about Glenveagh Properties dividends

Glenveagh Properties is listed on the Euronext Dublin and is part of the ISEQ 20.

Glenveagh Properties has the Ticker or stock code GVR.

The CEO of Glenveagh Properties in 2024 is Mr. John F. Mulcahy.

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