Upcoming Argenx dividend
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Dividends from Argenx for 2025 have not been registered.

Argenx S.E., listed on the Brussels Stock Exchange, BATS EU, NASDAQ, London, Frankfurt and Vienna, using the ticker symbol ARGX, has not paid dividends to its shareholders to date.

Payout Ratio Argenx Dividends

In the last fiscal period, Argenx paid no dividends, resulting in a dividend payout ratio of 0%.
Argenx has not distributed dividends in the last fiscal period, therefore, the payout ratio is 0%.
Dividend payout ratio
Payout Ratio

Dividend calendar of Argenx

There is no Dividend Calendar of Argenx defined for 2025.

Information about Argenx

Full name argenx SE
Ticker ARGX
Sector Health Care
Industry Biotechnology
Market Capitalization 38.16B €
ISIN NL0010832176
Number of Employees 843
Description of the company

Argenx S.E., is a multinational company dedicated to the health industry, specifically to biotechnology, developing medical treatments and therapies to combat autoimmune diseases.

It was created in 2008 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, its name is a derivation of the myth of the Argonauts, which refers to the power of teamwork, which in this case are engaged in seeking immunological solutions in order to help improve the lives of their patients, their products are also present in Belgium, United Kingdom, Japan, United States, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and France.

The main drug marketed is "efgartigimod", indicated for the treatment of diseases such as idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, immune thrombocytopenia, myasthenia gravis, bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus.

They also develop and market products such as ARGX-109, ARGX-112, ARGX-114, which is an antibody designed to control the mesenchymal-epithelial transition, ARGX-115, a specialized drug for the treatment of cancer, ARGX-116, ARGX-117 indicated for severe autoimmune diseases, ARGX-118 used in inflammation of the respiratory tract, ARGX-119, an antibody, among others.

Since its creation to date, it has made a series of strategic alliances with several companies to increase its processes and licenses, including Genmab, Staten Biotechnology, Pharma, AbbVie, LEO Pharma, Genor Biopharma, Zai Lab Limited, Université Catholique de Louvain, BioWa, Shire International GmbH, AgomAb Therapeutics, NYU Langone Health, Broteio, the University of Texas, among others.

Frequently asked questions about Argenx dividends

Argenx is listed on the Bolsa de Bruselas and is part of the BEL20.

Argenx has the Ticker or stock code ARGX.

The CEO of Argenx in 2025 is Mr. Timothy Van Hauwermeiren EMBA, M.B.A., M.Sc..

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